Be As One With The Lord Through Bible Study Fellowship Lessons

By Sarah Barnes

A bible discussion helps an individual create a better relationship with God and provides them a support in attaining a better comprehension of His Words. They achieve a more powerful bond with Him that gives them methods on how to connect better with the rest of the community. An associate has the chance to assume the leadership seats in their local parishes and become a servant of His ministry.

The Word is a medium that binds God and His people. An individual can enroll in bible study fellowship lessons, programs, and sessions available all over the world, and have an optimal comprehension about the Bible. The lessons are accessible for adults and children and they are provided with live lectures, weekly group discussions, and notes that assists them in accepting the Word.

This community was founded by A. Wetherell Johnson in the year 1950 on the West Coast of US. The founder was an English native who was sent to China to complete some missionary works. By the year of 1960s and 1970s, members started teaching as they moved from California to the other parts of the globe.

In the Asian Continent, they already started sessions in Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, Philippines, Myanmar, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, India, Hong Kong, and China, while New Zealand and Australia also host various classes. In Africa, they have already gone to Zimbabwe, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, Nigeria, Madagascar, Kenya, Ghana, and Ethiopia. On the Western countries, they already hosted lessons in Switzerland, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Italy, France, and England.

In both Central and South America, the group have already held classes in Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru. In North America, they have already reached Bermuda, Canada, and the United States and they have members that is equivalent to one thousand people and each programs are spearheaded by every leader of each country. They offer 10 various programs that caters to every members preferences and needs, these programs are classified as beginning and advanced, both finished within 30 weeks.

The sessions are from the New and Old Testament, such as the Life of Moses, Book of Genesis, Isaiah, History of Israel, John, Matthew, Revelation, Romans, and Acts of the Apostles. They also offer a preschool session that helps the kids start their scriptural foundation required to make a connection with God. The young ones are taught of the important values in life such as obedience, openness, love, and cooperation.

The sessions usually provide the youngsters with fun drills that helps them adjust with their environment, Bible Story Time that develops their love and respect for God Word, a Scripture verse introduces them to the scriptures, a Hymn Time wherein they are given a chance to sing worship hymns, Quiet Time that helps them pray and connect with Him, Rhythm Time that allows them to exercise their body.

The organization also offers a school program which supports the students in discovering what the Scripture means and ways on how they can apply it to their lifestyles. They are given the same passages with the adult members which gives them the framework and context to start spiritual conversations outside the classroom. Leaders of this session pray for their students.

Someone with doubts and fears about God can find the solution by the event they participate in sessions that caters to their needs. All worries and burdens during the hardest times is raised up to Him, because with God nothing is unattainable. The elements such as race, age, and culture can never stop a person from learning through innovative methods.

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