Why Visitors Must Get Their Travelers Guide To Firearm Laws Of The 50 States

By Jeffrey Hayes

Gun Control has been a major topic throughout the past decade in politics. Many people feel that there should be stricter gun laws, while others feel that the major crimes that are done with a gun are by people who acquired the guns illegally, and therefore the constitutional right should not be taken away from those who follow the rules. With the right knowledge of the travelers guide to firearm laws of the 50 states, the visitors to the US enjoy their stay.

The first step in getting a handgun is obtaining a handgun safety certificate. Some individuals, such as police officers, may be exempt from this stage. Other individuals, though, may need to complete a course and several training session to obtain the certificate.

Most people do not purchase a gun and get their concealed weapons license to just sit their gun in a drawer at home. Most people want to be able to take their gun with them. This is why there is a law in Florida that allows an individual to bring their gun with them to work. They are not allowed to bring it inside their place of business. It must remain in the safe compounds of their locked vehicle.

Home Use - most states allow stun guns to be kept in homes for the purpose of self defense and home protection. These, however, may not be brought out of the home or used outside of the home. In the first month after talk of these new gun laws hit the press, the membership of the NRA increased by a quarter of a million people. That makes the strongest lobby in the country even stronger. Enough said.

Another common transgression, which often applies when combined with unlawful possession, is weapon trafficking. Most of the time, it's considered a felony; furthermore, it is based on what type of weapon is being marketed. (In the state of California, even the use of pepper spray is closely regulated, and if abused could lead to a felony and several years of incarceration.)

Gun Control Act implemented license requirements and regulation, as well as restricting the sale of firearms to convicted felons, the mentally incompetent, and drug users. The Act also outlawed mail order sales of rifles and shotguns. If your child or anyone else you know, shows any violent tendencies like being aggressive, wanting to get even with someone or acts of bullying, you should take immediate action and try to get them professional help before it leads to serious problems.

If the individual does pass the background check, the dealer will deliver the handgun to that individual after the tenth day. After an individual receives his or her handgun, he or she must obtained a concealed weapons permit to legally carry the gun in public places. The permit does not allow individuals to carry their weapons on private properties, as some private establishments may not allow individuals to bring their concealed weapons on the premises.

Regardless of what you or I think, we can't do much about the furor created over the proposed new gun laws. However, all preppers and survivalists can look for whatever silver lining we can find in this mess and use it for other reasons. You could use the money to finance other preps, and when sanity is restored and the store shelves are full again in 6 months to a year, you can rebuild your ammo supplies to whatever levels you think you need.

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