Significance Of Having Christian Prophetic Guidance

By Tanisha Berg

Many believers of Christ receive prophetic revelation. Jesus said in the gospel of John that a son does what his father does first. This is through imitating his father. It is important for every believer to receive Christian prophetic guidance. This helps them in seeing what God intends for them. It is after this that they are able to act in regard with these prophecies. Knowing what a believer is expected to do strengthen his or her spiritual believe.

Christians witness the visionary revelations in their lives. One can witness God by a number of ways. You can do this by hearing from God as you read His word. You can also do this through visionary dreams. It can also occur in prophetic visions or ideas. It means therefore that talk to Him and He offers you a clear insight of the things he wants to do. These revelations will ultimately strengthen your faith in God.

A believer must not own the gift of prophecy in order to talk to God, or living a supernatural life. All children of God have the power to hear from him in accordance with the bible. This power is activated by having a strong and divine relationship between them and God. This is by engaging in powerful prayers. One can receive prophetic guidance at anytime provided he or she has a good relationship with God.

For you to live an efficient Christian lifestyle, it requires you to keep in track. You should live as the scriptures instruct you. This will bring glory to Him. You are supposed to create an environment that will improve your relationship with God as is will develop your spiritual growth.

People can achieve a supernatural way of life through several ways. We need to first of all recognize that we can express our love to Him. We must get the know-how of doing this. We must call in the Holy Spirit. We ought to give praise to the lord at any time regardless of where we are.

Any believer wishing to have prophetic leadership from God is required to have a personal connection with God. He or she should seek the power of the Holy Spirit who will enable the believer to get closer to God. This way the individual will live a good life. The believer will be able to communicate with God on a personal relationship.

The manner in which a believer spread the gospel is supposed to be natural. This is to imitate Jesus who used natural ways in spreading the gospel. This was very effective as many people were able to relate with the teachings. Also, the ways of spreading the gospel is supposed to be acceptable to the culture of the surrounding. This will enable others to emulate the believer and change their lives.

Finally, you should be keen with your actions. The prophetic guidance that you get from God should be seen in your lifestyle and the actions that you do. They ought to be straight and be those that can be emulated by others. They should be as it is written in the bible.

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