When Seeking A Top Criminal Defense Lawyer Memphis TN Has What You Need

By Olivia Cross

There are probably few things in life that are scarier than being charged with a felony. Most people don't think about just how powerful the government is until they find themselves face to face with the full might and fury of the law. If you are a resident of Bartlett TN and suddenly find yourself with a prosecutor's target placed firmly upon your back, you'll need the best criminal defense lawyer Memphis TN has to offer.

There's always the public defender's office, of course, but that's hardly the best bet. With all of the resources available to the State, prosecutors seldom balk at spending any amount to see you convicted and sent to prison. As a general rule, most will gladly force through any case, provided they can offer even the slimmest of theories to a jury.

When faced with such ferocity of determination, it's easy to see how a defendant might wonder why he should even try to fight. Rest assured, even against those odds, hope is not lost. With the right counsel defending your interests, you can make it through the process. Plus, paid attorneys often make more of an impact on prosecutors than their public defender counterparts, forcing those prosecutors to consider the real merits of their case.

There's a good reason for that, of course. Public defenders are notoriously understaffed and overworked. They typically have more cases than any attorney could hope to properly manage. In fact, the minimal amount of attention most public defenders are able to provide to any one client would be nothing short of malpractice were it occurring outside of the public arena.

That's the best thing about private firms. They have the resources needed to manage their clients properly, and only take on the cases they can reasonably handle. Their legal assistants, private investigators, researchers, and consulting specialists work to support your defensive case. Together, their only goal is to secure the most favorable outcome for your case during the trial.

Like public defenders, private attorneys often manage to settle cases without trial. The difference is that most public attorney plea bargains amount to deals that the State could have gotten in court with relative ease. The attorney you hire will only negotiate with your best interests in mind, and not to just clear one more case from his desk.

Regardless of cost, a paid attorney is the best option. After all, many states now seek compensation from defendants even when they use a public defender. Given that fact, it's a far better choice to have some say in the attorney you're hiring, and be able to have some trust that he or she is really on your side.

The bottom line is simple: if you're looking at the prospect of being convicted of a felony that could place you in prison, you cannot afford to entrust your future to the State's legal system. You need the protection that only the top attorneys in the area can provide if you hope to maintain your status as a free citizen.

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