Important Guidelines When Undertaking Arson Investigation New York

By Mattie Knight

In most cases, people will try to damage their properties in with intention of seeking compensation from insurance companies in city New York. The act of deliberately and maliciously setting fire on properties such as buildings, vehicles and other properties with intention to damage them is called arson. The person who intentionally set property under fire is referred to as an Arsonist. To make fire to spread fast, an arsonist may use kerosene or gasoline as catalysts. There are guidelines, which are followed to collect evidence to establish the cause of the fire. Arson investigation New York is done to obtain relevant data and evidence at fire scenes. Here are some guides when doing these investigations.

Before starting the investigation exercise, fire examiners are expected to ensure any fire, which may still be burning, is put off. Call fire brigade as soon as you arrive at the scene in order to ensure that further destruction of the property is stopped. Extinguishing the fire will make the process of investigation easy.

While at the scene, investigators are required to start making immediate observations while recording them mentally and in writing. They should put in writing anything they observe and they think can help in establishing evidence about the cause of fire. Voice recording and videotaping is recommended. It helps to capture all the information and the scene.

Investigators are in addition, expected to ensure that all victims are rescued on time and the public is safe before commencing the process. All risky zones must be established and people warned to go near such spots. Hazard should also be identified and their zones must be avoided to prevent more harm to the public. All the victims are expected to be evacuated from the scene before starting the exercise.

Investigators are should have in mind that evidence can be lost any time. Therefore, it is their duty to protect and preserve the area where the fire has occurred. In some cases, fire rescue team, the medical team and fire suppression if not controlled will completely destroy any evidence at the sight. To make their work easy, it is advisable to notify the relevant authorities to guard the sight. These are some of the primary steps, which should be undertaken to preserve evidence.

Every harmful and dangerous explosive device can be hidden at scene. Explosive experts are required to determine whether there might be any explosives hidden. They are usually set in order to threaten the public and all the operations been undertaken to establish evidence. Once they are detected, it is recommended that they get destroyed immediately to avoid severe damages.

It is very important to ensure security in the fire sight. Detectives should therefore establish a strong security. To do these, they are required to set up a security perimeter using barrier tapes. Again, controlling the access of the scene is also recommended by using these security personnel. Relevant authorities should also be employed to safeguard the sight.

When doing examinations on the cause of fire, information can be obtained from witnesses who were around during the incident. These eyewitness can provide important information to assist the investigator on obtain evidence. Ensure that you record all the information you collect from the witness.

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