Why Join Your Local Community Church

By Pamela Bailey

Going to church on a Sunday is so much more than just a routine or tradition. Those who know the benefits of it will tell you that there i a whole lot more to it than meets the eye. People actually have their lives changed here and this is for the better. So the next time you consider going to your local community church and don't feel like it, think about the benefits that you are missing out on.

Christian people go to the Sunday morning services since it is their custom and tradition. However there is more to it than meets the eye. The purpose of going is to have an encounter with God and everyone deserves this experience. It doesn't matter who you are and where you come from, the doors of these places are always open to all who will keep an open mind.

However, going to the service on a Sunday morning means that you are fellow-shipping with people of a like mind. You share the same beliefs in the same God and want to achieve the same things in life. This creates the perfect foundation for a mutual and wholesome friendship to develop. Many people create lifelong friendships with the people they meet at church.

These services are held the local church of course and people attend from the area. Others from out of the area may also attend if they enjoy the word preached and the fellow ship of the saints. A service can also be held in someones back yard or any facility that is available, because it is the people that make the church and not the building itself.

The best time to be introduced to such life changing traditions is of course as young as possible. Children are taken to these services with their parents and this is how they learn about their religion. They also learn how to socialize and make friends with people from different walks of life. One of the best things that children learn at these services is compassion.

Everyone has and needs a belief system to live their lives by. It helps to shape your life and that of your family and children too. If you do not have a belief system, you will find that you are always unhappy or either reckless and do things that are not appropriate. Everyone needs a higher power to draw strength from and how can you ask for strength and help from someone you do not know.

These local facilities do a lot for the communities that they are placed in. They offer a lot of charitable deeds, such as food for the homeless and needy, warm blankets for people in winter and a place that anyone is welcome to to pray and worship God. This is one of the only places that a homeless person can walk into and not get chased out of.

If you want to feel a sense of community and belonging in Dewey, AZ then you should consider visiting one of the facilities in your area. There is no telling what you will learn. If you have a heart for people, then you should volunteer your help and services and if you have money, offer to sponsor food and things that you now the needy could make use of.

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