Falls And Slip Cases Handled By Sedalia Car Wreck Attorney

By Clayton Lafromboise

Have you been injured in a slip and fall accident on somebody else's property? It's possible to be seriously injured, or even killed, in a simple slip and fall. So, what should you do?

The main objective is proving that the owner of the property is liable. What this means is that the surface was made dangerous by their actions or negligence, or that they were aware of an issue and simply did nothing about it, and also that the circumstances were such that anyone with reasonable alertness would not of anticipated the danger.

A general standard is whether the property owner acted "reasonably" - could they have foreseen that the accident would happen. Was there a legitimate reason for whatever you tripped over to be there? Was it contributed to by broken lighting?

Missouri is a "shared fault" state, so the court will determine how much responsibility for the accident was born by the property owner and how much by the person who tripped. Damages are reduced by a percentage equal to the amount of fault assigned to the person. However, Missouri has no cap on damage for personal injury cases.

There is a five year statute of limitations set on personal injury cases. Because of this deadline and the shared fault rule, it is difficult to receive the maximum damages allowed by law, so individuals involved in accidents of this sort should retain proper legal council for the best results.

Anyone who has been injured in an accident involving slipping and falling should consult with a qualified lawyer who can provide competent advice on the shared fault laws and the viability of pursuing the case. They can provide the best opportunity for an individual to get the most compensation for income losses, pain and suffering, and related medical bills. Legal representation is a most important decisions in these circumstances and should be based on more than just advertisement.

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