Considerations About The Pentecostal Faith Fellowship

By Edward Foster

The Pentecostal faith is one of the most popular evangelical ministries in the world. Its main belief is that the Bible is an inspiration from God and one cannot be saved without believing in Jesus Christ as the only savior. The aspect is what they term as being born again. Here are a few things about Pentecostal faith fellowship to think through.

The foundation of this faith. Pentecostalism is dated back to the day of Pentecost which is documented in the Book of Acts. During those times, the Holy Spirit descended to the apostles when they were gathered in Jerusalem. The experience of speaking in terms and the hope of a helper as Jesus had promised establishes their focus on the Holy Spirit gift of speaking in tongues and evangelism.

Pentecostal can be used to describe a denomination. A denomination is a term which describes a group of churches. In this case, churches which share common doctrine can describe themselves as a Pentecostal. Some of the renowned denomination under this movement include the Assemblies of God, the Pentecostal assemblies, and the Full Gospel Churches. Every church which recognizes itself with this denomination is independent in its own way.

The movement has different doctrines. There are various common doctrines which are seen in every Pentecostal church. Some of these doctrines include baptism through immersion, and manifestation of the holy gifts. They still believe in divine healing as a gift of from the Holy Spirit but at the same time acknowledge the existence of medicine and doctors.

The religion considers the Holy Spirit Gifts. There are seven gifts from the Spirit that are expected to be part of the Pentecostals. However, the main gift that is common with most believers is speaking in tongues, and it can be expressed in two forms. The ways include speaking in a tongue that is understandable a concept which is known as xenoglossy and speaking in an unknown tongue which is renowned as glossolalia.

The ministry belief in interpretation of the bible. A literal understanding of holy book means living and doing things according to the instructions given in the scriptures. It means that members are expected to have powers to cast out demons, speak in tongues and heal the sick. Some of them disagree with this aspect but find it necessary to live according to this doctrine.

Evangelism is carried out by the doctrine. Evangelism is an aspect of spreading the word of God to non-believers. It is based on the great responsibility that Jesus Christ gave His disciples when descending to Heaven. Evangelism can be done through different methods. The most common one includes expository preaching, worshiping, charities and living according to the word a method known as lifestyle preaching.

The growth of Pentecostal church in entire world. The Christianity movement has experienced a lot of growth over the years. It has an approximate of two billion followers over the world. A large population is established in the United State and in Africa. A lot of resistant is experienced in South America due to Catholicism and in most Muslim Asian Countries.

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