Getting a fresh financial start after sinking in money problems is not easy, though it is possible. One of the best options that you could consider in this case is to file for bankruptcy. It remains crucial for you to seek adequate legal guidance before starting the filing process and generally ensure that your case has the best possible chances of rewarding you with a favorable outcome. During the hunt for an outstanding bankruptcy lawyer Snellville GA could provide you with a good number of proficient specialists.
Before hiring any attorney, you must meet for initial consultation. This will provide an opportunity for you to determine whether the services of a specific specialist are ideal for your particular situation. For you to make the most of the meeting there are several important questions that you need to bring up.
It remains imperative for you to find out whether you are eligible for filing under Chapter 7. This chapter can eliminate your unsecured debts and you will no longer be legally obligated to settle the debts of certain creditors. You, however, need to pass a means test for you to be eligible for this type of bankruptcy. A competent lawyer can make an accurate assessment of your income and determine whether you are qualified or not.
Then again, it is important to find out if you have possessions that are non-exempt. The list of exempt and exempt assets differs from state to state and your attorney can help you identify the non-exempt possessions that you own. Depending on what is likely to get seized, you could decide on whether or not to file under the Chapter 7 laws.
If you do have non-exempt assets, you now want to know whether there are options you could consider when handling these possessions. The idea is for your lawyer to assist you in creating a strategy for legally managing these assets. Some of the options you may have is setting up a trust for asset protection or even reducing the equity in your possessions.
Another question you need to ask is if making preferential payments will stir any trouble. There are debtors who find it easier to manage outstanding financial requirements by making a few preferential payments. This is often a good arrangement, though it would result in some creditors getting their full pay before others getting a penny.
It remains important for you to make well calculated moves. Bear in mind that the creditors who receive preferential payment may eventually get sued. You therefore want to find out from your attorney whether there are grounds for a lawsuit should you choose to first get specific debts settled.
Finally, get to know whether there are fraudulent transfers in your records. This could be anything between raising money to pay off debts and still having some of these finances to selling personal items below their reasonable market rates. To avoid the harsh repercussions of being accused of fraudulent transfers, it is crucial for you to know where you stand before you start the filing process.
Before hiring any attorney, you must meet for initial consultation. This will provide an opportunity for you to determine whether the services of a specific specialist are ideal for your particular situation. For you to make the most of the meeting there are several important questions that you need to bring up.
It remains imperative for you to find out whether you are eligible for filing under Chapter 7. This chapter can eliminate your unsecured debts and you will no longer be legally obligated to settle the debts of certain creditors. You, however, need to pass a means test for you to be eligible for this type of bankruptcy. A competent lawyer can make an accurate assessment of your income and determine whether you are qualified or not.
Then again, it is important to find out if you have possessions that are non-exempt. The list of exempt and exempt assets differs from state to state and your attorney can help you identify the non-exempt possessions that you own. Depending on what is likely to get seized, you could decide on whether or not to file under the Chapter 7 laws.
If you do have non-exempt assets, you now want to know whether there are options you could consider when handling these possessions. The idea is for your lawyer to assist you in creating a strategy for legally managing these assets. Some of the options you may have is setting up a trust for asset protection or even reducing the equity in your possessions.
Another question you need to ask is if making preferential payments will stir any trouble. There are debtors who find it easier to manage outstanding financial requirements by making a few preferential payments. This is often a good arrangement, though it would result in some creditors getting their full pay before others getting a penny.
It remains important for you to make well calculated moves. Bear in mind that the creditors who receive preferential payment may eventually get sued. You therefore want to find out from your attorney whether there are grounds for a lawsuit should you choose to first get specific debts settled.
Finally, get to know whether there are fraudulent transfers in your records. This could be anything between raising money to pay off debts and still having some of these finances to selling personal items below their reasonable market rates. To avoid the harsh repercussions of being accused of fraudulent transfers, it is crucial for you to know where you stand before you start the filing process.
About the Author:
If you are looking for information about a bankruptcy lawyer Snellville GA residents can come to our web pages online today. More details are available at now.
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