How To Avoid Extreme Taxotere Hair Loss

By Shirley Reynolds

Most people get a panic attack when they are diagnosed with cancer. However, this is not something that should cause alarm as the therapist are now more aware than ever on how to deal with the condition. One of the medicines that are used to treat the disease is known as Taxotere. The drug is known to eliminate about 75% of the illness. However, though it is something that is effective, it is known to have side effects like hair loss. Learn about the way you can lessen Taxotere Hair Loss.

One of the options you can use is wearing the special cold caps. These caps are cooled to low temperatures. The purpose is to narrow the blood vessels underneath the skin and the scalp. When you do this, then it will end up limiting the medication that might each the follicles of the hair. Thus, if this is the case, the chances of them falling out are slim. It is advisable to have the cap on before, during as well as after the treatment of this drug.

When choosing the products to use, then it is paramount to get the ones with the moisturizers. The reason is that they help in making the follicles and the locks soft, and when you comb, there will be little breakage. In case you do not use moisturizers then you should understand that the chances of damage is high.

Start by putting in mind when you are going through chemo, and you are using this medication then avoid using harsh soaps on your head. The reason being that they will not only dry you up, but it will also lead to the locks breaking of getting damaged since they are sensitive due to the therapy you are dealing with.

When you are undergoing chemotherapy, then you should avoid color, perm, or any bleach. The chemical process will lead to you having damage foliage, and if this is the case, then you will end y getting the loss. Thus, try to be as natural as possible. When you do this, then the natural oils will still be in the body, and this will help to avoid any loses.

Heat is another thing to avoid on your head. Whether you are dry or styling, you have to note that it should not be there. The locks are weak, and when you add heat, it will make it weaker, and this will lead to you having damaged follicles. Thus, the reason you should look for alternative methods other than heat.

It is also essential for you to cover your head when going to sleep. To guarantee that you are comfortable try and make use of a commodity that is not tight. Only then can you be assured you will end up maintaining healthy follicles and not having to deal with you going bald.

The other vital thing to note is that you should discuss with your doctor some of the lifestyle change you need to deal with. When you are undergoing chemo, you have to eat d drink right so that you can avoid dealing with other complications. If you do not do this, then note that you might end up having a hard time.

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