Reasons People Should Listen To A Talk Show About Surviving Oppression

By Matthew Hill

Most societies have a constitution that is meant to guide each individual. No one is supposed to be above the law, but somehow some people are not subject to it. This has led to the rise of certain vices that should have been buried long ago. New methods have to be devised to help with this. The details that follow show the impact that a talk show about surviving oppression can have.

Learn how to heal from oppression. The effects of this malice are felt way after someone is away from the situation. There are internal scars that are hard to move on from. Moreover, some memories cannot fade away. Even though some people feel scarred for life, treatments such as therapy can be very helpful.

Understand that anyone can be affected. This is despite the level of education or the amount of money possessed. Oppression does not only mean racism but also discrimination in terms of gender or sexual orientation. Everyone needs to pay attention when this is being talked about, as there is so much to learn.

Those in trouble need to be shown how to speak up. Many people being oppressed tend to let it go on for a while because they do not know how to address the situation. Sometimes those who are in the wrong are trusted friends and family members. It can also be powerful people in the community who are practically untouchable. Individuals need to be shown different ways to seek help no matter how discreet.

Knowledge is power. The more people get to learn about this, the more they can defend and advocate against it. If many people rise to protest a certain act, they will be getting the attention of those around them. This, in turn, will push community leaders to do something, as they cannot simply stand on the sidelines.

Push leaders to be vocal about these issues. These leaders are expected to stand up for their people. Some may just be sitting comfortably in their offices and not giving ear to the concerns around them. Shows are instrumental in that they can call upon leaders to take their rightful position in society and do what their position expects them to.

Get stories that are not being aired out there. There is so much going on around the world. From the simple to the most bizarre. Some of these stories are covered in the media on a daily basis, but some barely see the light of day. A talk show could be a way for untold stories to reach more people. Through this much more can be done.

Get to young people. There is no age limit to the kind of people who can be oppressed. The youth need to be taught on this as early as possible. This will enable them to recognize trouble when it knocks on their door so that they can respond appropriately. There are places where this discussion is being silenced, but this should not be at the expense of this generation.

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