Understanding The Water Damage Restoration Process With A Portland OR Remodeling Contractor

By Elke Hermann

When the term "remodeling contractor" is used, thoughts of brand new refurbishments come to mind much faster and easier than restoration after water damage. However, if your home or business has had water damage, a remodeling contractor might be exactly what you need. Water damage is one of the worst things that can happen to your property, and all it takes is one strong storm or leaky pipe to quickly destroy parts of your home's structure.

After you have shut the water off and scheduled the proper repairs, it is important to act quickly because mold, fungus and general rot can all begin within only one day after the initial damage has occurred. Again, not the kind of situation you'd think of a remodeling contractor for. Most folks are much more worried about structural damage than pretty new cabinets under these kind of circumstances, but what most people don't know is the remodeling contractors also do restoration work that can not only preserve your home after water damage, but also return it to its previous state at the same time. They could even provide you with upgrades as part of the restoration process.

Properly extracting any building materials that have become saturated or overly wet like cabinetry and drywall is an essential part of protecting resident health. A lot of people make the mistake of keeping moist building materials right where they are when attempting to handle these efforts on their own - and this creates the perfect environment for mold spores to develop.

Once mold spores start to form, these can move through the house and cause both residents and guests to develop allergies. This is why it is absolutely critical to hire a reputable remodeling contractor to ensure that restorations for water damages are completed in way that promotes optimum safety.

The severity of the damages in your home will determine the level of restoration that is required. It could be that only a few small areas in the cabinetry under your kitchen sink have to be replaced. There are also times when whole wings or rooms have to be remodeled, like when pipes burst or when major roof leaks develop. In all instances, contractors start by performing thorough assessments so that they can develop suitable plans for resolving the damage.

During the water damage remodel, you may need to make other accommodations for temporary lodging if the damage and amount of work to be done is extensive. However, many families are able to do things such as set up a temporary cooking area in another room while the kitchen is being remodeled. While having to deal with water damage does create a temporary inconvenience, making sure that it is done right is the best way to protect your home's value and the safety of your loved ones.

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