How Do I Start Taking To God All My Troubles And Worries

By Sharon Weeks

Every person at one time or the other has faced problems they believed that only God could give the best answers. The question how do I start taking to God all problems always rise from time to time from people constantly looking for solutions to questions of life. Fortunately, there is no godly set formula for approaching God, and here are tips to help you get the best answer to this question.

The obvious principle is that you must confess Christ as your Lord and savior before your prayers can be heard and responded to by God. The Biblical principle of the Kingdom of God is that God only hears and answers the prayers of a righteous man. Once you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, you become a righteous man, making God ready to hear what you have to say.

The one thing you need not forget, however, is that Christ demands one rule from you; that you accept and confess Him as Lord and savior before anything else. According to Biblical teachings, the prayers of someone who has not accepted Christ are always like a continuous noise, which God does not pay attention to at all. The first step therefore would be to ensure that your relationship with God is in order.

Making a prayer to your heavenly father is an important part of these all. Your creator wants you to tell Him what you are going through even if you are sure that He already knows. And when you pray, always do it in private and be open to your heavenly father who always hears all prayers made through Christ.

Faith is about giving it all to Him who created you, even when there can be a plan B for the same problems you are facing. It means letting the Lord to take lead of your life and show you the direction to take instead of leading your own. It means putting all your plans and hopeful solutions to Him and letting Him show you what to pick.

Faith is about being sure that everything will be all right even when situations are getting out of hands. Faith is about being certain that when you pray and act, pure miracles are going to happen. It is about being sure that a solution is on its way even when people around you think that it is time to give up.

Faith is about being certain about the results you have not seen yet and the helps that you have not yet received. Having faith in the creator means allowing Him to take charge and be your guide even when things seem to be falling apart. It is about having the assurance that God is not silent on you and is working something beautiful out of your problems.

The creator will guide you when you take steps. You have to take a step of faith and do something so that He sees that you have taken a step. Then and only then will be proven right as a person of action and faith.

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