What We Can Learn From The Weeping Statue Mary

By Thomas Stewart

People look in many different places to see evidence of God's existence. Sometimes this comes in the form of looking at the behavior of objects like statues and perceiving it as supernatural and caused by the work of the Lord. This very human need to be shown something that can be considered proof of something existing that so many people believe in so firmly is why the weeping statue mary has received so much attention, and the interest in these alleged events is not likely to dwindle down any time soon, and they will more than likely just keep happening.

If you are one of the many people who has never even heard of this phenomenon before, it might sound like a strange thing until you learn more about it. This is generally something that occurs with the Mother Mary statue, and it involves someone or multiple people seeing what appears to be tears coming from her eyes. Since most people aren't fooled very easily, usually only the most convincing instances gain much publicity.

Sometimes a large group of people will witness this type of event happening. Other time, there is only a sole witness. It usually makes it a lot easier for people to believe when there are a number of people backing up the claim.

We may have become a very advanced society, but there are some ways in which we seem to still be clueless. It is very hard to live a full and happy life when you feel like the world around you is a maze of unanswerable questions. That is why when something like an inanimate object shedding tears happens, people might be quick to look at it as a sign to point them in the right direction.

Sometimes people are just out to fool you. That is why it is good to be a little bit skeptical. This is not to say that you cannot believe in something when your heart truly believes.

The tears that come out of these statues' eyes look different on different occasions. Sometimes it will only look the way that regular tears do, but other times it can be much different and even frightening. Blood has been reported, as has oil, as well as fragrant liquids in some instances.

This is not something that has just happened once or twice. It has occurred numerous times, and it has also happened with other types of statues as well. While the Mother Mary is the most common example that you'll see, there are numerous others that have been reported throughout history and even in modern days.

It is fairly easy to find people who believe these occurrences are the real deal. No matter how popular they might become, however, almost all of the cases are considered hoaxes. This makes it easy for some people to decide whether or not they should put much merit in these stories.

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