Church Of Christ Services Waco Beliefs And Practices

By Patrick Allen

When looking for a place of worship in a local area or while away from home, it can often be difficult to find one at which a visitor feels comfortable and welcome. Although, there are more options in some areas than others. For example, there are a number of Church of Christ services Waco, Texas as well as other denominations.

The Church of Christ, one of the first congregations of the restoration movement, is also one of the earliest denominations in the United States. For, James O'Kelly withdrew from the Episcopal Methodist congregations of Baltimore in 1793, which was established at the same time as the Episcopal church in Williamsburg, VA.

The reason behind the withdrawal, to build a place of worship which would preach and teach only from the Bible, eliminating the use of additional texts. In most areas, the early history of the Church of Christ goes back to the time of the Disciples of Christ. One of the earliest religious movements in the United States which took place in the early 19th century.

Records show that at the time, there were more than 6,000 members whom withdrew in order to begin what would be a return to pure New Testament Christianity. Some 19 years later, the Baptists of New England, led by Elias Smith and Abner Jones started a similar movement.

Congregational leaders at that time were concerned about the establishment of alternative creeds and denominational names which had taken place earlier in the history. In addition to using the Bible as the only creed and focus of worship, it was also the Baptists whom determined all believers should go by the term "Christians, " rather than using a denominational association in which to describe oneself and beliefs.

Presbyterian ministers in different areas then followed suit with regards to preaching and teaching from the Bible. In fact, at that time the Bible was considered by many to be the "only sure guide to heaven." Later, Thomas and Alexander Campbell were the last to fall into the line of those whom recognized the Bible as being the one and only true word of God.

The four movements eventually became a strong force in the restoration movement. It should be noted that none of those involved advocated for a new branch of Christianity. Rather, to a return to the original primitive place of worship as described in the Bible.

While the Church of Christ, Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians share the same basic belief system, there are varying views among members. In some cases, there are branches of Baptists and Church of Christ which are happy to welcome LGBTQ+ individuals to services. In most cases, individuals can call the home office with any questions as to whether these individuals are welcome and what services might be provided such as Baptisms and same-sex weddings and receptions.

At the same time, there are far more whom still hold onto Old Testament laws even though the premise in the beginning was to preach and teach solely from the New Testament. As such, when planning on attending any place of worship, these individuals may want to inquire in advance as to whether nor the location has a welcoming congregation or holds true to Old Testament laws.

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