25Th Wedding Anniversary Invitations Should Be Stylish

By Ida Dorsey

Wedding anniversaries are special and something you want to share with friends and family - especially if you and your spouse spent a whopping 25 years happily together in loving matrimony! Most happily married couples celebrate their wedding date every year with a romantic occasion. However, silver, gold and diamond anniversaries are true milestones and calls for a huge festivity. Therefore, 25th wedding anniversary invitations should be stylish, unique and reflect the love and personalities of the couple.

The idea of celebrating a wedding anniversary comes a long way. It dates back to the days of the Holy Roman Empire, when husbands demonstrated their appreciation and love for their wives by crowning them with a silver wreath on their 25 wedding anniversary and a gold one on their 50th. Like with everything, this noble tradition soon became commercialized and today there is a specific symbol or gift for each year of marriage.

Today, there are a number of gifts made of different materials to symbolize the various wedding anniversaries. They range from the most common such as wood and tin for fifth and tenth anniversaries to the most precious such as pearl, ruby, gold and diamond for 30, 40, 50 and 60 years of marriage respectively.

Not all couples like or follow these traditions, but in general, a silver, gold and diamond anniversary is special enough to be celebrated by all. In common wealth countries, couples can even today still apply to receive personal messages and blessings from the Monarch, state president or dignitaries (and even the Pope) on their 60th, 65th, 70th and subsequent wedding anniversaries.

With so much to plan and organize, the last thing a couple wants to worry about is invitation cards. Some arty people can design and make their own personalized invitations, but most people need some help. It is no use planning a glittery gala-event if the invitations look as though a kid made them and/or do not contain all the required information.

An anniversary invitation should not only be stylish and professional, it should also reflect the nature of the event and the personalities of the couple. It can be formal, informal and even have a touch of humor, but it must still be professional and stylish to show respect. Even if you plan an outdoor, informal barbeque, the invitations need not look tatty and unprofessional.

However, a silver wedding anniversary calls for some stylish, personalized and professional invitations as it is aimed at adult, loved family members and friends. It can be formal, informal, colorful or elegant. The shape, style, paper, font and wording should reflect the senders message clearly.

Professional graphic artists who specialize in the design of customized wedding anniversary invitations have the ideas, experience and expertise to come up with something new for every client. If you are prepared to spend time and money on celebrating your 25th wedding anniversary, you might just as well spend some money to ensure the invitation is perfect and professional and just what you want!

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