Advantages Of Knowing God Always

By Rebecca Patterson

The teachings of Jesus Christ on earth made His disciples become aware of the instructions that have been given to them since the creation. According to Him, people who serve God in spirit and in truth would be rewarded accordingly. He also outlined many advantages of knowing God as recorded in the scriptures.

Due to the busy schedules people may have, the tendency of developing psychological issues may increase. The joy one experiences from praising God during church services, engaging in a communion service and staying together with one another can help to alleviate worries and reduce stress. Also, an individual who worships God genuinely can be sure of a better direction in life.

Anyone who dies without receiving Jesus Christ as his savior would be bound to eternal punishment in hell. You can save yourself from this punishment if you obey God's commandments. An effective study of the word of God and devotion to godly activities are sure ways to become closer to Him and become free from the punishments that await every sinner on the last day.

One tends to appreciate the nature and meaning of life better when the person is exposed to the teachings of the Bible. It would also create a consciousness on the side of the believer to value God's creatures and make the person aware of the commandments that have been laid down from the beginning. Also, the knowledge one has about Him would a go a long way in preventing the person from destroying humanity but rather strive to protect it.

There are many factors that have been considered to be the reasons why people do not get what they want from their creator. For instance, aggressiveness and other negative attitudes can hinder one from acquiring many things. Building a good relationship with other people is one of the instructions that have been given to everyone. Failure to establish and maintain this relationship may go a long way to deprive people of getting what they want and having unanswered prayers.

The Almighty gives self-control, kindness, and love to his followers through His Spirit because they serve Him. The presence of these fruits would help reduce the occurrences of criminal activities that are capable of ruining an individual's life in the long run. Participating actively in church and other religious activities, effective prayer meetings, and a regular devotion to Him are some of the known ways to attract these gifts.

People are more likely to gain favor from others if they have positive lifestyles. They can also act as role models to other believers who desire to become great people in life. There is no doubt that young people who are so keen about what the Lord needs would achieve greater results in their career.

Life may present challenges that can pose serious issues to an individual if they are not properly handled. The wisdom to solve these problems as they arise can be got from God if the person has a good relationship with Him. This is why it is necessary to read the scriptures daily to get to know the ways of God and also work very hard to abide by the principles that have been set. New converts would also learn better from the leaders that are well acquainted with the knowledge of God.

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