An Episcopal Church In Lake Norman NC Follows The Holy Bible

By Stephanie West

Religion is a great thing. That is due to the fact that it provides an individual with a moral compass. Religion is about morality. When everybody becomes truly religious, the world will become a better place to live. There is no religion that emphasizes the issue of morality more than Christianity. At the core of Christianity, there are the Ten Commandments. The Bible is the most holy and the most moral book that has ever been written. That is why an Episcopal church in Lake Norman NC places a lot of emphasis on Biblical messages.

There is no single time in history that the Holy Bible has ever been wrong. It has been proven true and holy during the course of humanity. Some people have always tried to disapprove it but they have ended up disappointed at the end of the day because the Bible has always stood the test of time. It has managed to withstand brutal regimes and dictatorships.

The Holy Bible is divided into two sections. They are the Old Testament and the New. Both these sections are important for the spiritual growth of a believer. Thus, they should all be given the seriousness that they deserve. As a matter of fact, Biblical messages must never be taken for granted by a true believer. They should be applied.

The main concern of the New Testament is the gospels and the epistles. These deal with the early spread of Christianity. Over the last a thousand years, Christianity has spread to all the four corners of planet earth. A core Biblical prophecy says that the end of the earth will only come after Christianity has spread all over the earth.

A core Biblical tenet is baptism. A true believer needs to be born again. That does not mean being physically born again. Rather, it refers to spiritual birth that involves being immersed in water. One will enter the water as a sinner and will come out as a new creature. Actually, being baptized is an important step that a believer should undergo.

Baptism is not the end of the road. Rather, it marks the start of a long road that will end in the gates of paradise if one manages to live a holy and righteous life. Earthly life is just but a journey. No one focuses on the journey. Instead, the focus should be the destination that is eternal life.

Along the journey, there will be many challenges, confusions, and distractions for the true Episcopalian. In fact, a real believer will encounter challenges along the way and he can stumble in some cases. Stumbling should not kill the spirit. Instead, it should reenergize a person to commit his fully energies to the faith so that he does not stumble again.

A human being needs to feed his stomach. That is done so that to be able to carry out human activities. As a matter of fact, the various human activities require an individual to be energized. However, feeding the stomach is not enough. One should also feed his spirit in the best manner possible. Spiritual food will come from biblical messages and church sermons.

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